Thursday, April 13, 2006

Two Worlds - 3° meeting

V i e n n a :: 12 / 0 4 / 0 5

After a long discussion about the characters, it was the time to see them.
Pencil and paper ready, everybody drew or put on the paper how they could see Andrew, Gabriella and Valerie.

Andrew is an angel who just came from the school of angels and is discovering how hard is to live also in the human world.

The angel Gabriella studies in a school of music in Vienna and lives the same drama of Andrew.

And Valerie, an angel who accepted the way of living of human beings and their culture.

The development of characters will finish in the next meeting:
Monday :: 15:00 h :: Hackengasse arshram

All the yuvas are welcomed to come! ;D

Monday, April 10, 2006

Two Worlds - 2° meeting

V i e n n a :: 0 9 / 0 4 / 0 5

It´s sun shining sunday in the city of music, ... perfect day for angels to fly high. ;)
And it was what happened in Hackengasse arshram during the 2° meeting for the Yuva Shakti film "two Worlds".

In 3 hours of an exciting conversation, the characters appeared from the shadows. Slowly in a yuva brainstorm the angels Gabriella and Andrew took their birth.

"The film will show also the different obstacles in these two worlds, the boy´s and girl´s". tell one of the producers.

The development of characters will continue in the next meeting:
Wednesday :: 15:00 h :: Hackengasse arshram

All the yuvas are welcomed to come! ;D

Two Worlds - 1° meeting

V i e n n a :: 0 1 / 0 4 / 0 5

Started the meetings for the production of the Yuva Shakti film "Two Worlds".
The film promises to discuss the social pressure towards the youth in Sahaja Yoga.

"It´s not a film only for young people, it´s an universal story about the conflict between being in the dharma or in the maya, love or passion, truth or illusion." tell one of producers.

In the first meeting we jumped into the atmosphere and the concept of the production.
The next step is to build the characters.

Know more, visit the official site
:: Two worlds ::

"Two Worlds" will be shooted this summer in Vienna.
Still without date for its launch.